
Monday, 22 June 2015

My First Personal Space! / Mano pirma asmenimė erdvė

The entire time I lived with my parents I had to share my room with my sister. It was really a hell sometimes. But now I have moved to another city and I rent an apartment with my roommate. I have a separate room / my space and only mine. Actually I lived in this apartment for almost a year, but haven't really showed around it. And recently we found out, we have to leave this really nice apartment. So I thought it's time.

Kai gyvenau pas tėvus turėjau dalintis savo kambariu su sese, Kartais užvirdavo tikras pragaras. Jau išsikrauščiau ir nuomuojuosi butą kitame mieste, turiu kambariokę. Netgi turiu nuosavą kambarį, savo erdvę. Tiesa pasakius jau beveik metus gyvenu šiam bute, bet dar jo neaprodžiau. Neseniai suinojom, kad reiks išsikraustyt. Tad supratau, kad pats laikas.

My room isn't that big, owners left this big bed, closet and two nightstands. All the other stuff is mine.

Mano kambarys nėra milžiniškas. Savininkai paliko didžiulę lovą, spintą ir du staliukus prie lovos. Visus kitus daiktus atsivežiau pati.

I needed somewhere to sew so one table I brought especially for sewing machine, but it's so comfy that I do all my homework on it. My closet wasn't big enough for the fabric and I wanted a place to keep my sewing machine. That's how a shelf from IKEA came to me. My whiteboard, I love this thing, I tend to write stuff I have to do fastest, or some motivational stuff.

Man reikėjo stalo siuvimui, tad atsigabenau stalą būtent šiam hobiui, bet jis toks patogus kad darau ir namų darbus. O kadangi mano spinta nebuvo tokia didelė, netilpo visos medžiagos ir siuvimo reikmenis norėjau laikyti arčiau, tad teko įsigyti lentyną iš IKEA, ji tikrai patogi ir labai praverčia. Man labiausia patinka mano magnetinė lenta, ten dažniausia užrašau darbus kuriuos reikia atlikti ar kokiu įkvepiančius užrašus.

Besides my working space there is a windowsill, where I keep my friends, candles and some other motivational stuff.

Šalia darbo erdvės, ant palangės laikau savo draugus, žvakes ir kitus motyvuojančius daiktus.

One of the best things about this apartment is the view. I've mentioned it a lot before, and I know I'll miss it.

Vienas iš geriausių šio buto privalumų yra vaizdas pro langą. Jau daug kartų esu jį rodžius. Ir tikrai žinau kad jo pasiilgsiu.

Besides my bed, on my nightstand is some bunnies and some fabric of course.

Šalia lovos laikau savo triušiu koleksiją ir mėgstamiausias medžiagas.

My other table was meant for collage works and to keep my stuff. Sometimes I bring my computer to the desk, but usually I keep it on my bed. 

Kitas stalas buvo skirtas daryti kolegijos darbus ir palaikyti tvarką. Dažnai mėgstu kompiuterį padėti ant stalo, nors dažnai jis buna ant lovos.

This was an amazing apartment, but a really big minus was that I couldn't put anything on the walls. So no mini quilts hanging and no pictures or paintings. So that was a bit of a bummer.
The good news is that we have already found an apartment and there  are 3 rooms in it, do you know what that means? I do. I'll have a personal corner to put my crafty supplies and do some crafting, how exciting is that. Of course I plan to make it completely crafty space. And the best thing is that I can do whatever I want with the walls. I even started searching for the ideas in the Pinterest. Can't wait to start. Any ideas what I could do for a crafting space?

Šis butas tikrai nuostabus, bet labai didelis minusas yra tai, kad negalėjau kabinti nieko ant sienų. Jokių mini skiautinių, nuotarukų ar paveikslų.
Geros naujienos yra tokios, kad jau radom kitą butą, ir jam yra 3 kambariai. Aš jau įsivaizduoju kaip turėsiu nuosavą kampą kuriame galėsiu įkurti savo asmenines dirbtuves, O dar geriau yra tai kad, galėsiu ką norėsiu daryti sienoms. Jau pradėjau ieškotis idėjų Pintereste. Gal Jūs turit kokių idėjų mano mažom asmeninėms dirbtuvėms?

Best wishes,


Friday, 19 June 2015

Picnic quilt / Iškylos skiautinys

I went through my blog and noticed I haven't introduced you to any of my finished quilts. Just showing off whats in progress. So I went through my photos and found this one quilt I finished long time ago. 

Aš peržiūrėjau savo tinklaraštį ir pastebėjau, kad dar nesu pristačius savo užbaigto skiautinio. Tik vis rodau ką darau. Todėl peržiūrėjau savo nuotraukas ir radau šį senai jau užbaigtą skiautinį.

A picnic quilt, using Jeni Bakers tutorial. But since I use centimeters not inches I calculated about the size that I needed and went with 15 cm squares. I wanted it to be a big one, and it definitely turned out to be. Size: 210 x 190 cm.

Iškylos skiautinys, naudojant Jeni Baker instrukcijas. Bet pas ja viskas coliais, o aš naudoju centimetrus, todėl po kelių apskaičiavimų nusprendžiau daryti iš 15 cm kvadratų. Labai norėjau didelio skiautinio, ir toks tikrai išėjo. Baigto dydis yra 210 x 190 cm.

It was my first quilt at this size. And of course living in an apartment I hardly found any place to lie it down. The top piecing went fast, I loved working with simple squares. But then there was a time that I needed to baste it, there was no place so wide at my home. So I event went to my aunt just to baste the quit. And of course it was my first time pin basting, turned out quite nice, and a lot faster, I imagine.

Ir tai buvo mano pirmasis skiautinys tokių didelių išmatavimų. Aišku gyvenant mažam bute aš vos radau vietą kurioj galėčiau išsidėlioti skiautinio viršų. Viršų susiuvau tikrai greitai, tikriausiai todėl kad labai patiko dirbti su paprastais kvadratais. Turint viršų atėjo laikas padaryti sumuštinį. Bet pas mane namie nebuvo tiek vietos ir su visa įranga keliavau pas Tetą. Su šiuo skiautiniu pirmą kart išbandžiau dygsniavimą sąvaržėlėm, išėjo visai neblogai ir tikrai manau daug greičiau.

Next was quilting. Such big quilt on my small domestic machine. Let's give it a try, but actually I really had a hard time quilting it, I rested a lot and so it took me about two days to fully quilt it, I did simple diagonal lines.

Atėjo laikas dygsniavimui, toks milžiniškas skiautinys ant tokios mažos, naminės siuvimo mašinos. Na pabandyt nieks nedraudžia, bet tikrai turėjau vargo. Su labai daug pertraukų užtrukau dvi dienas, dariau paprastas įstrižas linijas.

I decided to try machine binding, of course form Jeni Bakers tutorials. And I fell in love with this way, so simple, fast and looks amazing.

O kantavimą dariau su mašina, aišku iš Jeni Bakers instrukcijų. Ir tiesiog pamilau šį būdą, paprasta, greita ir atrodo nuostabiai.

When I was finished I fell in love with this quilt, it's not so pretty or amazing, it has no pretty patterns, but for me, it's one of my most loved quilts. 

Kai pabaigiau skiautinį, tiesiog negalėjau atsižavėti, pamilau jį. Nors jis neatrodo toks nuostabus ar labai gražus, ar kažkoks įspūdingas, bet tai mano labiausiai mylimas skiautinys.

And let me tell you a secret, I actually never used it for a picnic. I never have been on a picnic, but I really want to. So I couldn't just keep it hidden and waiting, so I used it around my house, mostly on my bed, and even after leaving for Vilnius I still use it on my bed, and sometimes I even sleep under it, so much warmness.

Ir pasakysiu paslaptį, šis mano kūrinys dar nebuvo naudotas pagal paskirtį, tai yra jis dar nebuvo iškyloj, ir aš nebuvau, bet labai noriu. Bet negalėjau laikyti jo paslėpus ir laukt tos progos, tad išsitraukiau ir naudoju. Dažniausiai kaip lovatiesė namuose, nors į Vilnių išvažiavau ir vistiek kartu atsivežiau kaip lovatiesę, bet labai mėgstu ir pasnausti po šita šiluma. 

Thanks for wisiting, have a nive weekend,

Ačiū, kad užsukat, geros savaitgalio pradžios, 

Thursday, 18 June 2015

New changes around here / Nauji pasikeitimai

  • First and most important change that I've been wanting to do around my blog is write in two languages, I'm always amazed how some bloggers write their posts in two languages, in their native and English. Of course it takes a lot more time and effort. And so I've been thinking about ups and downs. After a lot of thinking and spinning my head around, I decided to try it. Well at least for the summer, Because why not? If I notice that this kind of way doesn't suit me I'll just keep writing in one language, so don't be surprised when you see some different scribbling around here. That's just me, trying a new way to enjoy my blog writing.

  • Sveiki užsukę į mano tinklaraštį. Ir norėčiau pristatyti kelis naujus pasikeitimus šioje mano erdvėje. Jau seniai esu susižavėjus tais tinklaraščio autoriais kurie sugeba rašyti dviem kalbomis: savo gimtąja ir anglų kalba. Tad jau seniai pradėjau apmąstyti pliusus ir minusus šio būdo. Bet ilgai pasukus galvą nusprendžiau tiesiog pabandyti, nors vasarą. O toliau žiūrėsiu kaip geriau ir ar pasilikti prie šio pasikeitimo. Tad dabar ir tie kurie užsukdavo pasižiūrėti tik paveiksliukų, galės drąsiai daugiau apie juos sužinoti ir paskaityti mano sapaliones apie skiauitnius, kitus darbus.

Best wishes, / Linkėjimai,

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Bead balls going around: shoes / Karoliukų kelionės: batai

One day I found amazing shoes:

Vieną dieną aptikau nuostabius batus:

I really liked them, but one day a group of bead balls decided to try them:

Man jie labai patiko, bet grupelė karoliukų nusprendė juos išbandyti:

They fit in one shoe... WOW.... But it was cramped... And so they shared:

Jie visi tilpo į vieną batą... WOW.... Bet buvo labai ankšta.... Tad pasidalino:

And played in my shoes a lot....

Ir labai daug laiko žaidė mano batuose....

They were so in love with these shoes, that now I have to hide then. Summer is coming and I hope they calmed down and that I can properly wear my shoes, without bead balls in them.

Jiems taip patiko šie batai, kad dabar aš juos turiu nuo jų slėpti. Vasara artėja ir tikiuosi karoliukai apsiramino ir galėsiu laisvai nešioti batelius.

Best wishes, 
Dovile & Bead Balls

Dovilė & Karoliukai

Saturday, 6 June 2015


Recently I have been buying fabric. I understood my fabric stash is a total disaster. Why? Probably because the fabric I use are mostly thrifted or second-life. So wanting to use good quality fabric I had to say goodbye to the bad ones, but did you think I could throw it away? Nope. So now I'm making 3 picnic quilts. And these fabric here are my first additions to the future awesome fabric stash.

One more recent finish is zigzag quilt. Today I managed to baste it. And it took less time than expected. Next is free motion quilting. So scary. Such big quilt, but I believe I can do it. I still wonder around what thread to use, but once I get that, few practice squares and come here my big awesome quilt.

Another recent ongoing project I remembered to revisit is my shelf runner, I've mentioned it here before. And I basted it and even managed to quilt it, now only binding left. But I put it until I figure out what kind of binding I want.

Have a nice weekend,

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

More WIPs

Who doesn't have few WIPs in their shelves. And what always keeps happening is that more WIPs keeps adding to that pile. So here are my new WIPs.

Warm - Cool quilt top is finished, I used chain piecing and it came together so fast. At first I was hesitant about my fabric choice and I wasn't sure of something will come out of it. But the present view makes me happy. It turned out better than expected. Can't wait to finish, but it'll have to wait. Because...

I started more projects. I have so much unusable fabric, so I decided to use it up for something simple, and so I want with picnic quilts. I am cutting my fabric in 15, 20, 25, 30 centimeter squares. And then I'll decide on some design. One of them will probably be a simple patchwork quilt. And one is already requested by my cousin, so that one will be with some stars.

And of course I have to finish some swaps, this one is from Instagram. #handpiecedminiswap. I know my partner loves hexies and hand stitches. Hexies - easy, hand stitching - scary. I have never hand stitched. But that's what swaps are for, to try something new. So my hexies are finished, they turned quite small, but I love how mini they are.

How about you? Do you finish your WIPs before starting new?

Best wishes,

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Zig Zag Quilt Top

It's been so quite around here. It seems summer is coming and asking me to go outside more often. So now I need to find a way to get my sewing machine outside.

Anyways, now I wanna show you a quilt. This one is sitting on my neck for a long time. I fell in love with Jeni Bakers' blog. And  I found her quilts and pictures so inspiring, so making something from there was no surprise. This one is from this tutorial. It's Patchwork Chevron Quilt. But I did some remodeling, I tried doing it in rainbow color combo.

Choosing fabric was my favorite part.

Cutting it was definitely not.

But I fell in love with that pile of rainbow squares.

It was really fun trying to find the perfect color combo.

And the best part was hanging it on my window and drinking tea and admiring the view.

But of course it needs to be finished. Hope to do it this summer and probably by free motion quilting.

Best wishes,