
Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Another bottle decorated with twine and quince seeds / Butelis dekoruotas virve ir svarainių sėklom

Happy Wednesday! How is your summer going? I still can't get with the idea that collage will start next week. Because I love summer, I seriously want for summer to stay all year long. What about you? What is your favorite season?

Kaip Jūsų vasara? Aš tai vis dar negaliu susitaikyt su mintimi kad kitą savaitę jau prasideda kolegija. Nes aš taip myliu vasarą, tikrai bučiau laiminga jei ji pasiliktų visus metus. Kaip Jums? Koks Jūsų mėgstamiausias metų laikas?

And so today I want to present you the whole family of decorated bottles with twine and quince seeds. Here is first one, and second decorations. And let me present you third one:

Ir šiandien noriu pristatyti visą šeimą mano dekoruotų butelių su siūlu ir svarainių sėklom. Štai čia yra pirmasis, čia antras. Ir leiskit Jums pristatyt trečiąjį:

Like the other two I used twine and quince seed. Glued them an the bottle and arranged the pattern that I wanted.

Kaip ir kitus du, taip ir šitam naudojau siūlą ir svarainių sėklas. Priklijavau ant butelio kurdama raštus kokius tik norėjau.

The other side

Some details.


I have to admit that the whole family looks quite amazing together.

Turiu pripažinti, kad visa šeimyna kartu atrodo visai puikiai.

It's been a long time since I did my last bottle. But if I would ever start doing them again, I might make one more member for this family.

Jau senokai dekoravau savo butelį. Bet jei dar teks daryti, tai manau gali būti kad pagaminsiu dar vieną narį šiai šeimai.

Best wishes, 


Monday, 24 August 2015

New apartment / Naujas butas

It's been over a month as I moved, but only now I see a full project for my apartment. I have a separate room, that's completely mine. I have an opportunity to decorate it the way I want. The owners are totally in for it. I decided to paint the wallpapers and decorate teared wallpaper places with hexagons. You know how crazy I'm about them. I already have the paint, it's gray. And I can't wait to start painting. But first let me show you the present view:

Jau praėjo daugiau kaip mėnuo nuo tada kai įsikrausčiau, bet tik dabar pradedu matyt pilną savo kambario vaizdą. Juk turiu galimybę dekoruoti jį kaip tik noriu. O savininkai visiškai už. Nusprendžiau sienas nudažyti ir suplėšytas vietas užklijuoti šešiakampiais, juk ir taip aišku kaip juos myliu. Dažus jau turiu, šviesiai pilka spalva. Taip rupi pamatyt baigtinį projektą. Bet pirmiau štai dabartinis vaizdas:

My room. And yeah, I still don't have any curtains. I'm hesitant to buy them, probably because I wonder if I could make them myself.

Mano kambarys. Ir taip, aš vis dar neturiu užuolaidų. Dar dvejoju ar pirkt, tikriausiai todėl kad galėčiau pasigaminti pati.

My IKEA shelf with fabric. And I still haven't figured out where to put all of my fabric in this apartment.

IKEA lentyna su mano medžiagom. Ir vis dar neapsisprendžiau kur sudėt medžiagas šiam bute.

And of course my minion collection on the windowsill. I love these small yellow guys.

Ir aišku mano pakalikų kolekcija ant palangės. Jie tokie maži, mieli ir geltoni, ir aš juos taip mėgstu.

Here is my temporary sewing space. I always dreamed of having a corner table. And now I have space, so after a  lot of thinking I decided to make it. Well I'm not the one that will be making it. I ordered it to be made by my demands. I even made a 3D project for better understanding.

Štai mano laikina siuvimo erdvė. Visad svajojau apie kampinį stalą. Ir kai dabar turiu pakankamai vietos jį padėti, nusprendžiau pasigaminti. Na ne aš jį gaminsiu. Bet gaminu pagal užsakymą tai yra pagal mano išmatavimus. Net pagaminau 3D modelį kad butų lengviau suprasti ko noriu.

I can't wait to sew on it. And I can cut on the other end. So excited!

Taip laukiu kada galėsiu ant jo siūti, ir net kirpti čia pat ant kito galo.

My plan is to put my table into a corner near the window. The couch and armchair will be gone by the end of this week, so that means more space for us.

Savo stalą aš noriu pastatyti į kampą prie lango. Sofą ir fotelį paims per šią savaitę, tad dar daugiau vietos mums.

This is the last free weak before studies. That means I'll have to start paint my room. I'm so excited, because it'll be fun. How can it be not? When you have never painted and you'll do it all by yourself. See? Fun right. I'll try to share my progress here :)

Paskutinė laisva savaitė prieš studijas. Tai reiškia, kad per ją turiu nusidažyti kambarį. Negaliu sulaukt, juk bus taip linksma. Kaip gali nebūt? Juk niekad nieko nesu dažiusi ir tai darysiu visiškai viena. Na ką? Ar gi nesmagu? Pasistengsiu pasirodyti kaip sekasi :)

Best wishes, 


Sunday, 16 August 2015

Almost Primary {a mosaic contest}

Look what I found! Fabric Mosaic contest sponsored by Lark Cottons that is on Rachel's blog Stitched In Color. I've been wanting to join something in the blog sphere. So I took some tea and sat down to play with fabric combination. And do trust me when I say that I played with this. I really enjoyed making these mosaics, I actually made two. It was so fun to discover all those new fabric and visit a fabric shop. So here they are:

Summer Warmth
Summer Warmth. That's how I named this one I made. Because this is how summer looks to me right now, all those warm colors, some sky color, ocean and a little bit bright red twilight sun in the evening. And all these fabric with flowers makes me feel like I'm in a flower meadow, lying there and enjoying summer. I would definitely take a quilt made of these fabrics to the meadow and enjoy it.

Fabrics I used:
1. Comma collection 2. Wee Wander collection 3. Good Life collection 4. Indelible collection 5. Dreamin’ Vintage collection  6. Kona Cotton 7. Bohemian Soul collection 8. Farm Fresh collection 9. Ansonia collection

You might notice that I used a lot of Art Gallery Fabric design. I did, because I love them, and I can only wish to get my hands on some their fabric. But since not all of their fabric fit my mosaic I got an opportunity to find some new collections that I loved. So here is the second one.

Twilight. Sun going down in a vast blue sea. That's what I wanted to convey with this mosaic. I can imagine looking at the view from a cliff. And I'm not alone all the nature is with me.

Fabric I used:
1. California Girl collection 2. Emmy Grace collection 3. Bella Solids 4. Meet The Gang collection 5. Comma collection 6. Scandi Forest Red collection 7. Franklin collection
8. Somerset collection 9. Dreamin’ Vintage collection

There is still time to join this so I encourage you to join this and have fun making the mosaics. And not only it is fun to make them, but I also discovered a lot more new fabrics that I liked. I've seen Denyse Schmidt name in many blogs, but this is my frist time seeing her colections, and trust me I fell in love. Chicopee is amazing, Paisley Red and Paisley Lime are my favorite. From Ansonia I loved Floral Paisley Mushroom. And there is many more amazing designers that I found. Such amazing experience participating. 

Have a nice mosaic creations and don't forget to have fun, 
Dovile :)